
The work of Mike Varley

Archive for the ‘Election 2012’ Category

The Events of Election 2012 – On Brooklyn Election

November 10th, 2012

The Events of Election 2012 – On the Innocence of Muslims

October 30th, 2012

The Events of Election 2012 – On Media

October 20th, 2012



The Events of Election 2012 – On Afghanistan

October 10th, 2012

The Events of Election 2012 – On The Graham Avenue Vote

October 1st, 2012

The Events of Election 2012 – On Pledge Emails

September 20th, 2012

“On Pledge Emails” Dear Democrat, Do you like celebrities? Well celebrities like you if you like Barack Obama! To prove it, we’re holding a special donation pleasure raffle for you to have dinner with Mr.//Mrs. Hot N’ Sexy TV celebrity audience award. Pledge today, and prepare to update your profile picutre! Sincerely, Fellow Democrat Dear […]

The Events of Election 2012 – At the DNC Convention

September 10th, 2012

“At the DNC convention” I. God Damn Michelle Obama is a fine woman. Don’t get me wrong, she’s beautiful, but it’s so much more than that. It’s in the eyes and the emotion, all sincerity and intelligence. Self-assured and unafraid, capable of any task the world would suit to give her. It was her night […]

The Events of Election 2012: At the RNC Convention

September 1st, 2012

At the RNC Convention Tampa 2012, the Grand Ole’ Party’s nominating convention. Spoken word might be the one thing even liberal pundits concede to the smirks of biased opinion, grounded as it is in rhythm and thought. But allow me a minute to mark how we got here in the hopes that you’ll see I […]

The Events of Election 2012 – On Todd Akin

August 20th, 2012

On Todd Akin I’ve taken it on as my job occupationally and vocationally to empathize with those that merit no immediate compassion, but damn man, what-were-you-thinking? Did you read a pamphlet from some wingnut, online-doctor approved by the party leaders? Did you not have a strong female presence in your childhood? Do women seem to […]

The Events of Election 2012 – Barack’s Letter from Afghanistan

August 10th, 2012

“Barack’s Letter from Afghanistan” Dear Michelle, Please forgive my long delay in reply. I know you’ve been needling me about it for months now and I must say, it’s a sound strategy. But now, somewhere over the Atlantic at 30,000 feet, I finally get a chance to sit still. These days, the best part of […]
