
The work of Mike Varley

Archive for August, 2008

On the DNC Convention

August 28th, 2008

On the DNC Convention I. Welcome to the present moment, America; you’ll find no point of reference here to protect you from thinking. The future is uncertain and the past a snack machine, balanced perfectly on two legs, just waiting for your two digit selection. This week in Denver, we saw some people make a […]

On Mass Transit Heartache

August 24th, 2008

On Mass Transit Heartache I got on a northbound 1 from Sixth Avenue, the people piling on like shoot-fed cement. I shuffled over to the opposite side and reached my arm out for a bar. “How rude can you be?” There she was, eight inches below me, my twig-like arm a dividing line between her […]

On Georgia and Russia’s Potential to Murder

August 17th, 2008

On Georgia and Russia’s Potential to Murder “In the spirit of the Olympics, let’s be friends,” China said through a lip-syncing schoolgirl. But the tanks pushed on past Georgia’s fourth wall, through the illusion of safety. Through the delusion that sovereignty mattered so long as you clung to Europe’s periphery. But it doesn’t matter, and […]

On Complicit Insanity

August 3rd, 2008

On Complicit Insanity There’s an actual ad on television this week comparing Britney Spears and Paris Hilton to Barack Obama. On TV, there’s an advertisement suggesting a man running for President is on the same level as a woman famous for multiple sex tapes and a woman who once entered rehab to avoid a custody […]
