On the DNC Convention
August 28th, 2008On the DNC Convention I. Welcome to the present moment, America; you’ll find no point of reference here to protect you from thinking. The future is uncertain and the past a snack machine, balanced perfectly on two legs, just waiting for your two digit selection. This week in Denver, we saw some people make a […]
On the Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Had to Do
June 6th, 2008On Hillary’s Bosnia Adventure
April 13th, 2008On Hillary’s Bosnia Adventure Hillary, if desire equated to competence, you’d sit at the right hand of the Father. If yearning were the formula, you’d cure the atom bomb. The shrewd ambiguities – the “mist peak” – the vague side of the valley. To live in the murk of our languages failures, a candidate minus […]
On Consolation
February 22nd, 2008On Consolation Hillary, Hillary, I rival your sadness with empathy, Well-meaning lost traveler on sympathy’s path. Compromise wasn’t easy at first, laying down Youthful hopes in the face of impossible odds. Stripped of vigor, a bureaucrat is formed – Freshly buffed and barcoded. When aspirations turn to lax inclinations, Hope’s aperture wanes. Hillary, when he […]