
The work of Mike Varley

Archive for March, 2010

Six Word Stories: Irony on ice

March 31st, 2010

Hockey started in the summer Olympics. Hockey started in the summer Olympics.

The Week is Link: Bill Murray Bartending at SXSW

March 25th, 2010

The legend rides again. Credit to Justin Sindone for pointing this out. The legend rides again. Credit to Justin Sindone for pointing this out.

The Secret Lives of Crossing Gaurds: Ess o Ess

March 24th, 2010

Version 2.0 of Ess O Ess – now with lyrics. Recorded at 14 Bushwick Av., Brooklyn, NY. The Secret Lives of Crossing Guards: Mark Eicher -drums Ramsey Ess – rhythm guitar Jordan Schauer – lead guitar Tyler Schauer – bass Mike Varley – keys, vocals Version 2.0 of Ess O Ess – now with lyrics. […]

Six Word Stories: Winter

March 23rd, 2010

Pain without death, you sanctify spring. Pain without death, you sanctify spring.

New Art Update: All You’ve Ever Wanted Has Always Been Right Here

March 19th, 2010

check it out in the art section. check it out in the art section.

The Mike Varley Plain Dealer: Vol. IV, Issue I

March 17th, 2010

Hello All, Welcome to another edition of the Mike Varley Plain Dealer.  Since it’s the start of a new birth year for me, this is the issue where I review the goals of last year, take stock of accomplishments and create some objectives for the year to come.  Interspersed will be life updates as they’ve […]

The Week is Link: The Advice of Thelonious Monk

March 12th, 2010

A journal entry of Thelonious Monk offering wisdom.  My favorite bits after the jump. A journal entry of Thelonious Monk offering wisdom.  My favorite bits after the jump.

The Week is Link: News format parody

March 5th, 2010