
The work of Mike Varley

Archive for January, 2009

Six Word Stories: On Our Internet

January 27th, 2009

Christen us kings of the cynics! Christen us kings of the cynics!

The Week is Link: Letters of Note

January 22nd, 2009

This week, correspondence from famous authors and others not intended for public view.  Some of my favorites: Salinger rebuffing the attempts of a producer to make “Catcher in the Rye,” calling Holden Caulfield “unactable.” Vonnegut writing a letter home about his POW experience, the basis for “Slaughterhouse Five”. Andy Kaufman’s letter to Elvis Presley […]

Six Word Stories: A Second Chance at Perspective

January 20th, 2009

I carry waterfalls, troubles flow away. I carry waterfalls, troubles flow away.
