
The work of Mike Varley

Bruce and Dom, Scene Nineteen: The Night Before

December 19th, 2012 by admin

“Bruce and Dom” Scene Nineteen:   The Night Before

With the big talk coming tomorrow, Bruce and Dom have a little chat: 

Bruce and Dom Trivia

‘The Night Before’ contains a reference to the Mountain Goats song “Palmcorder Yanja” off the album “We Shall All Be Healed.” It is one of multiple references to music performers in the film. The first scene, in which Dom is going crazy trying to remember a melody, is based on the Tom Tom Club song “Genius of Love”. Bob Dylan’s “Stuck Inside of Mobile (with the Memphis Blues Again)” is quoted directly in ‘The Creative Ultimatum”. A whole scene reflecting on Dylan’s catalogue was removed for pacing purposes.

“From the Archives: Community Pointillism” 

“The Nail Project: Community Pointillism” was part two of a semester long thesis project I did at Geneseo involving the entire college community.  A 5,000+ box grid was drawn out, each box representing a different faculty or student who had a right to nail in a ‘pixel’ to complete an image.  Click the link for the full story.

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