On Where Our Love Went
July 6th, 2008 by adminOn Where Our Love Went
When optimism met actualization, when King’s dream flooded the delta and suddenly anything was possible, what was there to sustain the faithful? Diana Ross, whose voice could charm animals. The Supremes, broadcasting innocent love to the heart of a nation. The soul of a nation, in the Motown sound for the final time found.
Can we have that again? Please? Nothing is beyond the reach of a heart that desires. Can we all agree to return to innocence? I’ll put my gun down the same time as you, I promise. Then maybe we could smile without blood in our eyes, and the lives of children could be ours again.
What would success bring today? A Pepsi sponsored, Amy Winehouse, Obama tribute? Commemorative cups? Obama-themed porn? I’d cross-reference that, but I’m pretty comfortable on this carpet and I’ve already looked at porn today. It was a series of Cindy McCain no panties and then some bi-curious Karl Rove stuff, strictly for research purposes.
I want this victory to be Sunday morning hammock good. I want to share a shot with my neighbor and know it well earned. I want ladies in classic attire and men closely shaved, and I want all smirks of irony to disappear.
I hope you’ll agree this sounds good, a fresh fruit for our souls. I’m weary of this feedbag existence,
And the nubs that were my teeth bleat with pain.
[audio:http://www.mikevarley.com/old/words/MikeVarley.com On Where Our Love Went.mp3]
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