
The work of Mike Varley

On the Thoughts of Jesse’s Intern

July 13th, 2008 by admin

On the Thoughts of Jesse’s Intern

I have all the information you asked for, sir: all the articles, tapes and transcripts. I highlighted the prominent sections as well.

Sir…they’re spinning it as necessity. They’re spinning it like he needs to leave you behind. Your own son is in on the act. I don’t mean to be so frank sir, but what are you going to do?

I mean, we saw what they did do Hillary. We laughed when they did it to Bill. Now what? Did you think you were going to coast tn immortality on indignation alone?

You need to reinvent yourself, Jesse. You need to get back in the game again. I see you make people smile all day, sir. This isn’t beyond you. It’s just…It’s not your world anymore. It’s my world.

I mean, our world, people-my-age world, not like white…you know what, whatever. I’m tired of apologizing for intents I didn’t have and so are a lot of people these days. It’s our world; you can no longer wholly save us or wholly damn us.

You must accept this, virile as you still may be. There’s nothing wrong with it – you’re simply human, simply ending your cycle. Embrace it, sir. Embrace the childlike weakness of old age and gain in exchange its childlike wonder. Watch the spectacle of the coming months and look on with well-earned nostalgia. Offer sound advice when summoned and leave your axe at home. You can do this, sir. You can watch as the old wounds are sutured.

But, ah…anyway. Here’s the, uh, folder. If you need anything, I’ll, you know…be at the desk outside where I…always am. And remember, dinner with Mrs. Senator at six. Great. I’ll see you later

[audio: On the Thoughts of Jesse’s Intern.mp3]

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