On the GOP Convention
September 21st, 2008 by adminOn the GOP Convention
It’s hard to stay formless or write anything timeless when witnessing minds such as these. The impulse is towards logic, a footnoted dossier cataloging each purple word. But that’s the blog’s harvest, and besides it’s not honest to the way I see my words to be. I won’t be caught clutching raffle tickets in this Post-fact society – won’t be caught dead waving paper as a plea.
Monday and Tuesday were washed out by Gustav, the first levy test since Katrina and Rita. They faired well to the swells but no physical force could stand to the winds blown on Wednesday.
A low-pressure front from the Great Northwest descended upon the Twin Cities. Hurricane Palin, a true politician in a way that evokes snappy suspenders and fresh while gazebos and..touring Alabama with a sow named Winnie that took the blue ribbon at the fair in Montgomery. You know, folksy. Down home. Made of winking gimmicks and obfuscated scandals.
And thus the repercussions of reality T.V, where the substanceless are valued for arcane vulgarity. So now McCain has his Paris or his Britney or whatever so you can add to the tally of blind hypocrisies that bend and sway like impossible Jenga..and the minions upon millions chanting “Drill, Baby, Drill” while the English program adjuncts nervously strum passports cause in the world of academics institutions must define us and their only chance at idealism locked in the jaws of a Maybelline Pit Bull.
The impact was dramatic on the flow of mass opinion. The Republicans were feeling their own special sense of hope, like a preacher finding Jesus in a crossbow.
And out McCain came to hero’s montage. McCain: who could make the Ancient Illiad blush, McCain: a nightly news kicker metastized, McCain: doomed to Pal-in comparison. John McCain is not the sum of his speeches, but the quotient of proclaimed character. The algebra lies in dividing your sighs by the number of flag pins in Texas.
And as John McCain wrests the mantle of change from a struck and stunned Obama, the campaign decision is further refined for all that view character central. Between these two men, which one can fulfill our ceaseless desire for eternal future? A man self-fashioned from black and white mavericks or one whose full spectrum exceeds all tan bandwidths? A man like Humphrey Bogart or a man with no pop counterpart?
The man who relies on experience past or the man whose surpassed all known experience?
[audio:http://www.mikevarley.com/old/words/MikeVarley.com On the GOP Convention.mp3]
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