
The work of Mike Varley

On Gerry Ferraro

March 21st, 2008 by admin

On Gerry Ferraro

Reporting from the corner of California, a character anomaly is found
in the words of Gerry Ferraro. Only Kristen and Spitzer saved her –
they bronzed the Jersey Girl mold after they made that one.

Gerry Ferraro, what was your intent? To cast thought seeds on the
American public? Hey, if it sways some people, maybe time will judge
you a visionary feminist. Maybe you can get some sort of post in
Hillary’s second term, after the public will is crushed by deceitful
incumbency, of course. Somewhere around the sixth year.

In nearly every Presidency, there is a moment where the public groans
and throws its attention to the nearest valid November, looking for
hope they tell themselves will never come, fearing the pain of
letdown. Gerry, you can be that moment! That forgotten moment in
history that back doors you into the textbooks.

We are the music makers, Geraldine Ferraro. We are the dreamers of
ludicrous, hypothetical dreams. One man with a hope could conquer the
crown, but three songs of your measure could trample him down.

[audio: On Gerry Ferraro.mp3]

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